Sunday, January 4, 2009

Tide has turned. . .

The days are warming up.

I have found out how to get laundry done and am meeting travelers all over the place.

Xela is a good place to be. Many foreigners stay her for months at a time and call it home (home for them seems to be between 5 months and a year).

Living outside the town center is a plus because it has more of a neighborhood feel (the buses that I thought were cat calling me are actually 'mini buses' ie, local transit) and I am digging it.

It is amazing what the effect of learning how to use the electric heat based shower can do. I don't understand how it works yet (I can't imagine it is actually heated by electricity above my head) but if you turn the water past a drizzle it gets cold again. . .Anyways, this place definitely has a lot to offer.

Oh yeah, camera purchase is coming along . . .the question is $150 for an older model or $300 for an elph??

PS, How is it that with all the dust here MacDonald's is still completely sterile inside???


  1. Haha, My coworker who lived in Guatemala for sometime just explained your Xela bus catcalls to me. That's funny!

    My coworkers also wanted me to tell you about these great hot springs close to Xela if you haven't already heard of them. They are called Fuentes Georginas (reached by pickup from the village of Zunil).

    I hope things are quickly improving from your rocky start.

  2. went to funtes last weekend and it was AMAZING!!!!! So angry not to have had my camera! Going back tomorrow with my school but don't think I will have as much time to take pictures since i am going after class .(

    The walk from Fuentes to Zunil is about 8K and what I will be missing out on tomorrow - killer landscapes photos. Farmimg of onions (local cash crop) on a 60 degree slope. Place is mind blowing even for a cynic like me.

    Miss you guys!

