Monday, January 19, 2009

Peace Out Xela

Leaving tomorrow for Lake Atilan. Stoked to bust out of the grit of Xela. Particularly since i have not had a heated shower since moving and if nother else Panahachel (where I am going on Lake Atilan) is at a lower elevation and should be warmer. As a popular spot for tourists I should be able to see Obama sworn in at Panahachel. Don´t know who is in charge here but Guatemalans are definitely curious to know what American travelers think of Obama and some have there own opinions.

Anyways, I'm trying to up load some pictures of Xela but computers have been difficult so i don´t know if they'll show.

It{s been great, time has flown by and I can´t wait to leave.

See Kevin 10pm thursday night. Amazing. Ready to bust.

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