Sunday, September 20, 2009

Day 1

Finally made it! After an overnight in Quito and three plane rides I am finally laying in a hammock overlooking the shores of Isle de San Cristobal. I am in complete disbelief at the cactuses and lava rock that surround me. Even though I read about the barren vegetation, the lava rock landscaping came as a surprise – something I’d expect to see in AZ perhaps. If it were not for the beaches it would seem more prickly and brown here than the lush green of mainland Ecuador I am familiar with.

However there are the beaches.

And even the very, very public beach next to our office has a pack of seal lions (not sure what you call a grouping of seal lions…) sunning on the beach. They seem little disturbed by the hordes of people playing in the sand and water all around them. Several of the seal lions were playing in the water like children, rolling in the waves while little boys skim boarded barely 15 feet away. Neither seemed phased by the other.

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