Monday, September 21, 2009

Culture Shock - or something like it...

So there is something I haven’t been telling you. I did not initially go to the dairy farm, rather I stayed at that lovely beach cabin / office / whatever – now I am at Hacienda Tranquila. The dairy farm. It is a drive from anything. Living in cell block A, I call it that because my room is the length of a bunk-bed squared. I have two shelves. The floor is concrete.

Interestingly, the accommodations are in many ways much nicer than many I have had previously. Indoor plumbing. Primarily warm shower, warm night, indoor plumbing, and constant electricity are all very pleasant things. However this place is pretty sparse and I have seen garages that are homier.

On an off-beat note, we have a feral cat (if it is ours, is it feral??) that I am starting to grow fond of. This is largely strange because I am in the Galapagos, and cats are highly invasive here. They really do a number on the endemic bird and lizard populations… I saw the cat with a little bird in its mouth earlier today. He/she/it was under the kitchen table. (The kitchen table and chairs are our only furniture other that a hammock…)

So I am growing to like an invasive animal that eats MY FOOD out of MY FOOD box, brings dead endemic birds into the house and then jumps onto the table and again tries to eat my food. The Hacienda must be starving me of some very basic needs...

That or the cat just can’t help being a cat.

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