Sunday, February 8, 2009

part I

Panama was a Caribean paridise marded only by 2am reggae-tone blairing out of 8 foot tall speakers 100 meters from our island cabana. When it started again at 10am it was time to find a new island.

Small but fatal flaws (and simply tranversing a country) resulted in 6 habitacions in 9 nights.

I love waves and hamocks and learning to surf in warm waters. Ordering whole fish and rum drinks made with papayas or fresh but unknown fruit is decadent. Most travelers complain about how Bocas Del torro is discovered and developed - and maybe it is - but i felt away from the world. It was a motorboat skiff ride to privacy and paradise.

Little known fact to non-locals -Chinese run the show what in comes to general stores in bocas. Food, general stuff, they've got AT LEAST one store on all of the habitated islands and it is the only grocery or general store around. All the general stores are Chinese owned.

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