Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Going rouge

Headed for the coast today. Sad to leave the farm - so many anyazing fruit, people experiences - can't even describe it in my t-30 seconds on the computer but fantastic it was!!!

Upon leaving the bridge flooded (night before) and I had to walk through rushing river water a foot+ deep as i crossed a foot bridge to get to my bus. It was very intense b/c apparently the water was rising again and all the men who had been laying on the bridge pulling drebris and logs out from under it during the morning were then yelling at me to hurry up and get going! (They were no longer on the bridge . . .) Three other people crossed with me and it was quite the exciting send off. As always, somehow I am never really alone.

Headed to see new territory. Couldn't resist the urge to see more.

So coming back.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

part 2 - ecuador

Jungles here are green and lush.

I love it here. Right now I am adjactent to a computer so it is easy to say that. Being connected to the worled makes life easy.

When I arrived in country and took an open air bus 3 hours into nowhere I was in awe and trying to figure out how to stay forever. That night in alone in a screaned cabana, with sounds of night blasting lounder the the reggeatone of bastimentos, with no light other than a head lamp in an environment i knew nothing of - I was homesick for the first time since - not even sure.

Maybe it was the emotional distance of Jim the farmer, maybe it finally saying goodbye to Kevin, but in needing to turn on my headlamp and scibble in my journal - I realized there was a fist-sized spidar in my room! In that moment I did not like the jungle.

I woosed out and made Jim get rid of it. Forget pride - it was HUGE.

The farm is rad. I{ll try and talk about it later- they aren{t permaculturists which is a let down on the education end of things but it frees me up for other travels. (Hence coming 'to town' a 2.5 hour bus ride away to make contacts etc. There isn{t even phone reception on the site.

Sometimes we have power. . . it attracts the bugs though so I still stick to candles much of the time.

Gotta catch a bus back to simplicity.

part I

Panama was a Caribean paridise marded only by 2am reggae-tone blairing out of 8 foot tall speakers 100 meters from our island cabana. When it started again at 10am it was time to find a new island.

Small but fatal flaws (and simply tranversing a country) resulted in 6 habitacions in 9 nights.

I love waves and hamocks and learning to surf in warm waters. Ordering whole fish and rum drinks made with papayas or fresh but unknown fruit is decadent. Most travelers complain about how Bocas Del torro is discovered and developed - and maybe it is - but i felt away from the world. It was a motorboat skiff ride to privacy and paradise.

Little known fact to non-locals -Chinese run the show what in comes to general stores in bocas. Food, general stuff, they've got AT LEAST one store on all of the habitated islands and it is the only grocery or general store around. All the general stores are Chinese owned.