A few week ago I traveled around Isabella and Santa Cruz islands for about a week. With a population of 12,000, Puerto Ayora in Santa Cruz seemed like a bustling city compared to San Cristobal's 7,000 people. The wildlife was quite lively as well. Here at the docks where fishermen cut up their fish and either fought off aggressive pelicans or tossed scraps to blue footed boobies - which they seemed to favor.
One juvenile sea lion has become their pet of sorts and waits patiently for scraps... others aren't quite so sly in their taming of the humans, they simply try to steal scraps from the cutting boards.
Mostly the birds are just loud and create an air of excitement, particularly if you aren't used to iguanas on the sidewalk, with pelicans, herons, boobies and bright red crabs all congregated in one very small area. Oh yes, and the sea lions...