Monday, April 26, 2010

Place of work and life

The question is, will i ever not have an outdoor kitchen in Latin America?  This is our Work cocina and where I am babied by Dona Hilda - a woman who cooks and feeds me like a grandmother, and who helps my Spanish by almost never speaking English.

Peace Yo.  This is not the view from my porta-pit-potty.  This is what the balcony of our office faces - the Sarapiqui River.

but this is where i spend most the of the day.  Yup, on Outlook!

Our library.... with mostly English books that volunteers have left behind.  We have a program which asks tourists coming down from the States to bring Spanish books with them as gifts because shipping to Costa Rica is so expensive.  Right Mom...

Therefore, when all ya'll come down and visit me... bring some books for the Ticans!!  And dark chocolate!

Up and coming:  biggest and coolest grasshopper yet.

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