Monday, March 2, 2009

seed harvest

Here is me Cutting into a Jack fruit with a machete.

After halfing or quartering it (depending on if you had let it rot or not . . .rotten fruit is like mush and doesn't require much work at all. The down side is that if you had let the fruit rot it a) has flies, b) is un-snackable during the cleaning process.) you then dig the seeds out with your hands. If they fruit wasn't rotten a pairing knife is handy. Seeds are about the size of acorns and to quote Julia Roberts, "Slippery little suckers".

They make a really good pattay but are otherwise pretty bland. High work to taste ratio but Jack fruit are easy to come by. . .so why not get some good starch from them?? Mimi and Jim are both great cooks and know how to make anything taste great!